I've recently been to a couple of workshops at Red Hot Press in Southampton. First was a screenprinting course which was really fun but involved SO MUCH CLEANING! I'd love to do it again but cleaning the screens to change colour involved more cleaning than I do in my house in a year. Below is the main piece I did (inspired by this picture which I can't find any credits for - anyone know?).
A few weeks later I did a letterpress course, where I added the "Kitty" to the picture. I now want to collect all the printing block things in the world.
Showing my major Buffy geekiness...
Slightly wonky but I like the placement and the unevenness of the ink.
Red Hot Press have loads of interesting courses, I'd really recommend them. They also do longer courses that cover different sorts of printing. I'm very tempted by the papercuts day course. Or the etching weekend...
Cool! Letterpress is completely addictive, I don't know how I've managed to keep away from it for so long. I'd definitely recommend etching, it's really good fun. Printmaking is just generally brilliant all round! (I agree with you about the nightmare of cleaning up after screen printing though.)